Sunday, December 30, 2007

The pacific sun.

The sun sparkles the cool pacific waters, this new years day in 2007. My second rendezvous with CA-1.
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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cinderella's Castle

What dreams are made of..... The castle @ Disneyland looks right out of a fairy tale ...
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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Precarious but stable...

Balancing the winds. state: AZ. Trivia, AZ is the only state in continental US where DST doesnt apply. Honestly i think someone there foresaw the mess that changing the DST caused.

So about 40 hours on the road, 2 pit stops & 3 speeding tickets later we came home to California. Poorer by the pockets, richer by the experience....

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Raising Arizona

Could not think of a better title, so called it raising Arizona after one of my fav movies...
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Art Gallery on rails. The Union Pacific rail line next to I-10 in New Mexico.
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New Mexico, the land of the FREE

Everything is FREE in New Mexico...
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Truck on a stilt

Truck on a stilt is a historic(?) landmark near El Paso, TX. It can happen only in Texas....
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Confused Landscape

The black & white roads near Ozona, TX. I feel this place cannot make up its mind, is it a desert or a meadow. You saw patches of both next to each other....
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Dont mess with Texas

Take off ramp into Hell. Nobody is welcome in Texas... We had originally planned a halt near Houston, but were tail-gated all the way to san Antonio. We finally made a pit stop in Sonora, TX, 24 hours on the road from Florida.
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Atchafalaya Swamp

The drive skims over the marshy swamplands in Lousiana...
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Of bridges & rivers

Scrap dealers dream come true.... You are crossing the Great Mississippi. State: MS
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Blue skies ahead

With the storms & lightenings behind us & clear blue skies ahead, we made good progress into the state of Alabama. Ironically its around here in Mobil that storm Katrina unleashed the biggest portion of her fury.
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Not the greatest, but my first capture of a ligtening bolt... Goodbye Florida.....
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The Road Trip...

I was moving... again... This time across continental NA. & if that wasnt enough, I was driving.... 2879 miles from Tampa (A) to Santa Clara (B) was daunting. But Me, my life & my accord were all up to it...

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